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Neighborhood History

Built in 1940 and designed as part of a series of bridges on the Merritt Parkway to add beauty to the natural surrounds. Seen as a significant development in highway design, this bridge is listed in the National Historical Registry.

Located at the northern end of James Farm Road where it meets Armstrong Road, Cranberry Pond is a private pond unique to our area.

Much of the north stratford region has original stone walls built by farmers back in the 1800's when Oronoque was mainly farmlands. Locals with family who have lived in the region say many of these walls follow the line of the original James Farm Road and that Roosevelt Forest was a horse farm with trails over 100 years ago.

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Throughout the area there is a variety of wild life that lives among us. It is not unlikely to see Hawks flying overhead or Turtles cross James Farm Road & Peters Lane in the warmer months along with the wild turkeys that frequent our yards.

"A History of Connecticut's Golden Hill Paugussett Tribe " written by Charles Brilvitch includes some interesting details about our James Farm Community, especially one of the houses still standing on our main road.

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